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甘肃公安局长坐套牌警车,竟说因为经费困难?  发帖心情 Post By:2009/7/31 8:09:49 [只看该作者]





官车套牌是不是有潜规则?这让俺想起了另一件事:5月21日,湖南省平江县建设局副局长李丰国,驾套牌车撞死2人,事发后,在交警大队的“调节”下,死者家属被要求“私了”,拿65万了事。这65万何来,李丰国的钱无非还是纳税人的钱。公车套牌,违章了不用受罚,撞死了人还是由政府买单! 此次公安局多辆套牌车被曝光,暴露的是身为公安人员目无法纪,知法犯法的不正之风,再往深入挖,也许还隐藏着鬼祟龌龊的腐败恶行。


对于甘肃省环县公安局院内的警车为啥没上户口,有工作人员给出的回答竟然是“公安局经费困难”。难道真的如此吗?堂堂的县公安局连个车牌都上不起吗,公安局的钱都去哪了? 是不是该公布一下公安局的财政状况?公安局经费困难,没钱上车牌就能公然套牌,那老百姓生活困难、没钱吃住买房就可以去偷盗抢劫吗?这是强盗逻辑。自称“保护神”的人开着套牌车去抓套牌车!难道这就是中国的人民警察!

再者,既然经费困难,为什么还要养这么多车,真的是工作需要吗?这些车每年的维护费、油费开支有多大? 在公安局自我辩解的语言中,笔者突然想到了鲁迅笔下的孔乙己说过的一句话:窃,读书人的事,怎么能算是偷呢?警车一牌多用,怎么能算“套牌”呢?





下为帖子附图: 网友抓拍到的“套牌警车”

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article194  发帖心情 Post By:2013/11/30 13:37:10 [只看该作者]

Comfortable and Stylish in Flat Shoes

Casual Beach Style
If you are lucky enough to be enjoying a holiday in the sunshine, Michael Kors Laukut you want to wear shoes which will make you feel comfortable for those long walks along the beach. Flat shoes are the best choice for these occasions as they will be able to take the pressure and will stop your feet from aching. You can still look stylish by choosing flip flop styles, such as Birkenstock, which are great quality and also look the part. Gladiator sandals are another good choice if you are opting for flat shoes for the beach and these offer just as much style as Birkenstock's. You can find these in a variety of styles and colours and they are ideal for teaming up with your maxi dress to keep you cool and comfortable.
Saturday Shopping
A day out shopping always requires flat Michael Kors Laukut as you will be on your feet for long periods of time and want to feel as comfortable as possible. There is no excuse to scrimp on your style though; you can wear trendy flat shoes such as the ballet style options, which look casual and sleek when teamed up with a pair of jeans or shorts.
Night Out
A night out usually means a pair of high Michael Kors Laukut , but not everyone feels comfortable wearing these so you can also choose some stylish flat shoes for this occasion. There are plenty of options for those who still want a bit of glamour, such as gladiator style shoes which go with anything from dresses to shorts. If you are hitting the dance floor, these flat shoes will definitely ensure your feet don't suffer in the morning but will also keep you looking stylish for any occasion. Knee high boots with a flat heel are also a good choice for a night out, as they look great but are still really comfortable.
Work Style
Most people prefer to wear a pair of flat shoes to work, as Michael Kors Laukut is much more comfortable, especially if your job requires you to be on your feet for long periods of time. If the weather is cold and miserable, the best choice is a pair of flat heeled boots as these will keep you warm and cosy. In the summer time you may wish to consider wearing mules to work, as these are a key trend at the moment and are also really comfortable. Other choices are buckle shoes and leather flat shoes, which you can team up with a skirt of trousers for a day at the office.
