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中国性都报告:安全套误人误国,一个高级小姐的自白  发帖心情 Post By:2008/10/7 10:08:04 [只看该作者]




  但是,我并没有放弃自己,我上深圳、广州、北京,三个地方的权威医疗机构作检查,但所有的结果都显示:我已经感染艾滋病.我无法说服自己相信这一事实,.我知道自己干这一行可能会患上性病,可凭我的专业知识,我对这方面的防御工作一直很谨慎,为什么还是感染了呢?最后,在北京找到了一位非常有名大夫检查。那位大夫看着我拿的一叠检验报告,说:“你的确,已经感染了艾滋病病毒.”“可我每次都有用安全套,而且我在使用安全套前进行过吹气检查,一旦发现有漏气的就换掉;并且使用完之后还要看它是否有破裂,这几年里都没有破损过.我这么小心谨慎,怎么可能还会得艾滋病呢?”大夫说:“安全套并不一定安全,现在市场上所售的安全套它自身存在有一定的自然裂缝,一般精子透不过去,而病毒比精子小100倍,完全有可能透过安全套,一旦在性交过程阴道壁有损伤,就可能会感染上。目前都普遍认为,只要带安全套就可以有效地避免AIDS。但许多实验表明,即便正确使用安全套,质量合格的安全套,也有 30%左右的失败率。”

  我彻底死心,安全套不安全!我想我患病的最大可能性就在于此,是安全套把我给毁了。其实我是个很小心的人,怕上网不安全我还专门从天空软件园下载了个媲 西伊遮斯远控御防,那个东东专门防止屏幕监控、键盘鼠标记录、防止聊天记录被偷看等。小心,小心有什么用,这时候我才意识到问题的严重性。这让我怎么面对我父母和亲朋好友,要是他们知道我是这样患病的,我真不知道后果会是怎样,我恨……我恨自己不该进这一行,我恨社会不应该有嫖客,我恨苍天对我的不公平,为什么是我?我也只是用自己的生活方式在努力生活,为什么??我想不通,我的心很痛,并决定要报复社会,报复所有的男人,我要让更多的人感受这一种痛苦,这一种对生活的无奈,对死亡的恐惧.

  在随后几个月的接客中,我对我的客人不用安全套,客人也很乐意.因为不用安全套能让他们更有快感, 而且他们也没有心理负担.在他们看来:像我们这样的高级小姐一般都很干净,定期去检查,不会像那夜总会小姐或是发廊妹一样.就这样先后有几个客人和我不戴套多次性交,有的甚至于玩毒龙,这些人必死无疑。在那段时间里,我过得很麻木,就象是行尸走肉一般,对自己没有将来,没有目标.似乎在我所剩余的时间里, 我的唯一使命就是让更多的坏男人患病,我承认那时的我,就只想找更多的人陪死.



  我心里没有了叛逆,没有了埋怨,有的只是忏悔.就觉得:上天赐给我美丽的样貌就是对我的恩赐,在这么艰难的家庭环境还能让我顺利念完大学就是对我的眷念,让我有这么疼爱我的家人,就是对我的照顾,为什么我还不知足?想到过去父母供我读书;中学时老师对我的照顾;大学学院辅导员老师给我勤工俭学的机会; 学校每年给我颁发的国家奖学金……





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等级:新手上路 帖子:99 积分:555 威望:0 精华:0 注册:2013/11/30 12:25:51
article202  发帖心情 Post By:2013/11/30 16:55:33 [只看该作者]

Bring Out the Western in Them: Choosing Kids Cowboy Boots | ABC Article Directory

Many kids have always dreamed of becoming a cowboy, saclongchamp-longchamppliage.1x.fr which is why the cowboy costumes have always been so popular. But nowadays, the cowboy look isn't just a costume anymore for these young kids. They enjoy wearing this look on normal days like going to the mall or playing with their friends. And when it comes to the cowboy look, there is always one thing that should be part of that style: kids' cowboy boots.

The kids' cowboy boots would always be the icing on the cake for this look saclongchamp-longchamppliage.1x.fr because without it, the cowboy style will never be complete. There are many kinds of cowboy boots that are made for kids and the styles that it have could fit kids of all ages. In fact, baby cowboy boots are already available so that your little angel could be stylish at an early age.

There are many different designs that kids could choose saclongchamp-longchamppliage.1x.fr from but picking one for your child can become a tedious task because there are many things to consider. Style, size, and color are just some of the things that you have to think about before choosing your kids cowboy boots. That is why it is important to know how to pick the right shoes for your kids.

One of the first things that you should consider is comfort. Whether you are in search of young adults or baby cowboy boots, it is important that your child feels comfortable when he wears it. Even if the boots look totally cool but he feels very comfortable in it, there is a bigger chance that he won't wear it as often as he likes. It is best to choose a style that looks good and is very comfortable so that your child could enjoy wearing it.

Another thing you should be keen about when buying saclongchamp-longchamppliage.1x.fr is the durability of the footwear. Cowboy boots are actually rugged footwear which is why it should be able to stand the wear and tear of playtime. You know how restless and adventurous some kids could be so you need to buy them a pair that could keep up with the restlessness.

When choosing a size for the boots, it would always be best to get half a size bigger than his actual foot size. As many parents would know, kids grow really fast that is why if you don't want to constantly spend on boots, get a half size bigger pair so that they could use it for a long time.

Every kid has their own unique personality, which is why you should be able to choose the right style for your kid's boots. You wouldn't want your kid to look ridiculous by getting them the wrong style of boots right? That is why you should pick the right style that suits their personality and look so that the boots would always look good.

When you choose the right cowboy saclongchamp-longchamppliage.1x.fr , your kids will definitely enjoy wearing it. That is why whether you are buying baby cowboy boots or boots for your young adults, it is important to choose the right pair for them to fully enjoy this totally awesome footwear.Article Source: more details about Kids Cowboy Boots & Baby Cowboy Boots, please visit us online.

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等级:新手上路 帖子:99 积分:555 威望:0 精华:0 注册:2013/11/30 12:25:51
article197  发帖心情 Post By:2013/11/30 17:18:41 [只看该作者]

Cool Halloween Costume Ideas For Work Parties by Todd James E. Wertz at iSnare.com Free Articles

If you're one of those who look forward to Halloween, michael kors stores you're probably thinking about cool costume ideas that will definitely make heads turn. Surely, there are many options to choose from and if you tap into your creative and artistic side, you'll certainly come up with an awesome Halloween costume that is sure to make your friends and colleagues green with envy.
And as you have such immense ideas in mind, you might think it is daunting task to finally come up with something; so how do you select the coolest costume idea? Well, start with deciding on which characters you like or perhaps think about your fave movie events; and before you know it, you'll be able to think of a distinctive costume that will make you stand out in the Halloween party.
An essential part of creating a costume is to make sure that it is as realistic as it could get. This simply means that you have to pay attention to details such as the accessories. For instance, if you want to get that austere look, then why not dress up as a cowboy? And this calls for spurs and hat for a more authentic feel.
If you think you'll look great as michael kors stores a fortune teller, you can create your own Gypsy costume. The flounced skirts, laced vests and brightly colored sash and bandanna will make you look perfectly like a nomadic Gypsy. The pirate costume is yet another popular choice for a Halloween party. It won't take so much time to assemble a white pirate shirt, black breeches, boots and vest and you'll look totally amazing.
Of course, you may go for the Victorian look or the Transylvania theme which is sure to catch attention in a crowd. Indeed, nothing compares to that vampiric aura that is so trendy these days. You can either choose between the classic or the modern vampire look; as both will undoubtedly enthrall a lot of people. Another idea is to dress up as a witch. They might seem a little too common, but with a little twist and some changes in the accessories' you'll surely pull it off.
But if you'd rather go with a modern costume, then try the latest fads in the mainstream media. The characters of a top grossing movie for the year can be a great choice if you want to have a trendy Halloween costume. You can even imitate the characters which are portrayed by your fave celebrity. You can also go into music and be a pop icon.
Clearly, the possibilities are endless so think of what michael kors stores costume idea you're most comfortable with or perhaps try something that you haven't done before. That will be so much fun. With proper planning, you can be the life of the party as you show up with your distinctive Halloween costume. Besides, Halloween work parties are excellent instances to enjoy with your friends and colleagues and a great way to showcase your artistic flair. Have fun looking for the coolest Halloween costume ideas!

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等级:新手上路 帖子:99 积分:555 威望:0 精华:0 注册:2013/11/30 12:25:51
article202  发帖心情 Post By:2013/11/30 17:43:03 [只看该作者]

Bring Out the Western in Them: Choosing Kids Cowboy Boots | ABC Article Directory

Many kids have always dreamed of becoming a cowboy, saclongchamp-longchamppliage.1x.fr which is why the cowboy costumes have always been so popular. But nowadays, the cowboy look isn't just a costume anymore for these young kids. They enjoy wearing this look on normal days like going to the mall or playing with their friends. And when it comes to the cowboy look, there is always one thing that should be part of that style: kids' cowboy boots.

The kids' cowboy boots would always be the icing on the cake for this look saclongchamp-longchamppliage.1x.fr because without it, the cowboy style will never be complete. There are many kinds of cowboy boots that are made for kids and the styles that it have could fit kids of all ages. In fact, baby cowboy boots are already available so that your little angel could be stylish at an early age.

There are many different designs that kids could choose saclongchamp-longchamppliage.1x.fr from but picking one for your child can become a tedious task because there are many things to consider. Style, size, and color are just some of the things that you have to think about before choosing your kids cowboy boots. That is why it is important to know how to pick the right shoes for your kids.

One of the first things that you should consider is comfort. Whether you are in search of young adults or baby cowboy boots, it is important that your child feels comfortable when he wears it. Even if the boots look totally cool but he feels very comfortable in it, there is a bigger chance that he won't wear it as often as he likes. It is best to choose a style that looks good and is very comfortable so that your child could enjoy wearing it.

Another thing you should be keen about when buying saclongchamp-longchamppliage.1x.fr is the durability of the footwear. Cowboy boots are actually rugged footwear which is why it should be able to stand the wear and tear of playtime. You know how restless and adventurous some kids could be so you need to buy them a pair that could keep up with the restlessness.

When choosing a size for the boots, it would always be best to get half a size bigger than his actual foot size. As many parents would know, kids grow really fast that is why if you don't want to constantly spend on boots, get a half size bigger pair so that they could use it for a long time.

Every kid has their own unique personality, which is why you should be able to choose the right style for your kid's boots. You wouldn't want your kid to look ridiculous by getting them the wrong style of boots right? That is why you should pick the right style that suits their personality and look so that the boots would always look good.

When you choose the right cowboy saclongchamp-longchamppliage.1x.fr , your kids will definitely enjoy wearing it. That is why whether you are buying baby cowboy boots or boots for your young adults, it is important to choose the right pair for them to fully enjoy this totally awesome footwear.Article Source: more details about Kids Cowboy Boots & Baby Cowboy Boots, please visit us online.
