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--  作者:军训排长
--  发布时间:2007/3/6 13:05:37
--  [影视]陈仁义.郭明霞.余巧云<<打金枝-背舌>>




--  作者:丽丽078
--  发布时间:2013/11/30 16:25:47
--  article199
Five Basics You Need to Get Rihanna\'s Style - Yahoo Voices - voices.yahoo.com A few years ago Rihanna decided to trade in her ho hum R&B / pop princess longchamp laukut for something cooler. Now her style is edgier - a mixture of avant garde rock and roller meets dominatrix tomboy. Here\'s the 5 key pieces you need to get her style: 1. Leather Jackets A main component of Rihanna\'s style is the leather jacket because it instantly makes even her simplest outfits look cool, and it also gives her feminine pieces a tough edge. Rihanna wears a ton of different leather jackets in various styles, but even her most basic jackets are never simple - they always have interesting details. For instance, she often wears black leather jackets, but she\'s worn a bomber style with sleeves that unzip, another jacket was cropped and had a ruffled collar, and she\'s also donned a men\'s style bolero. She also has worn several quilted black leathers. One version was collarless and cropped; another style was hip length and had pronounced slanted shoulders and a fur trim. And another quilted jacket was a fitted blazer that she wore as a dress. Rihanna\'s also worn biker jackets in fun longchamp laukut . One had a black and white graphic pattern, another had a denim blue body with black sleeves and zipper details. She\'s also worn a bright yellow patent leather blazer with gray lapels and black trims. So to get Rihanna\'s style go for styles that are hip length or higher, and look for cool ones like basic biker styles or those with interesting details like exaggerated shoulders, graphic patterns, bold colors or zippers. But also don\'t pass up on the daintier jackets that have quilting, ruffles, and no collars because the rest of Rhianna\'s wardrobe will make it cool. 2. Cool Boots Another huge staple in Rihanna\'s wardrobe is her collection of boots. Her mainstays are booties and ankle boots which give her outfits a bad-ass vibe. Rihanna wears them with any and everything from shorts, to leggings and jeans, to sexy mini dresses and skirts, and even laidback floral print summer dresses. Buy a black leather bootie with cool details like perforations, fringe, longchamp laukut hardware, peep-toes or other cut-outs. Or get dominatrix style ankle boots that lace up. For a softer look go for sheer ankle boots with bows like the black ones by Chanel that she wore. Or lighten up and get a pair of suede nude colored booties with fringe or an ankle boot with a fun leopard print. When she\'s not rocking an ankle boot Rihanna prefers thigh highs that fall over the knee or right below it. She usually sticks to fitted ones in soft black or gray leather or slouchy styles in tan colored suede and black leather. She wears them with mini skirts and dresses, shorts, or leggings. Her taller boots are usually more classic in style like a simple thigh high with a heel, or a flat riding boot. But she occasionally wears styles with fringe, gladiator details, tassels, perforated leather, or bondage style ones with thick laces. 3. Skinny Jeans Another key to Rihanna\'s style is the skinny jean. She typically wears low rise versions in a standard dark blue rinse or black denim. But this is Rihanna we\'re talking about so she also goes for edgier styles, like black leather jeans, acid wash high rise jeans, and ripped jeans in white or pale blue. Wear them with heels or booties. 4. Leggings Another basic in Rihanna\'s style is her leggings. She doesn\'t wear longchamp laukut capri length she only wears those that hit at the ankle. Her mainstays are plain black leggings made from either sheer or shiny spandex, or leather. But she\'s also worn black ones with lace stripes running down the sides, ones with a gray lattice print, and spacey silver leggings. On her casual days she\'ll throw a pair on with a leather jacket, long t-shirt and a pair of bright Nikes or she\'ll wear them with a long sweater and tall boots. For a sexier look she\'ll wear her leggings with a long blazer and heels, or with a corset underneath a man\'s oxford. 5. Tanks While Rihanna\'s jackets and boots usually have fun details, for the most part she keeps her tops really simple and relaxed. She usually goes for a simple cotton tank (hip length or cropped versions) that she usually wears with a pair of jeans or leggings and a leather jacket. She tends to wear plain ones in gray, black, or white. Occasionally though, she\'ll wear tanks with black and white stripes, or a white tank with a black graphic print or vice versa.
--  作者:nopq495
--  发布时间:2014/8/14 11:11:08
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--  作者:王建中
--  发布时间:2014/10/9 13:44:08
出岛屿的刹那,这片死海内,海面上突然有一个鬼脸显露,那鬼脸是一具隐藏在海下的尸体,那尸体没有头,鬼脸是其赤裸的胸膛所化。与此同时,在这死海上,在那东荒大陆的边缘,超过了数十这样的鬼脸尸体,他们身上的鬼太原婚外情调查 脸同时散发幽光,一声声外人听不到的凄厉嘶吼,骤然间回旋。紧接着,那在东荒边缘盘膝打坐的帝天,他的双眼猛的开阖,有一抹寒光在其目内闪过。他的嘴角露出冷酷的笑。“终于出现了,我的孩子。”其身缓缓站起,向着烟台婚外情调查 天空,正要一步迈去时,他忽然皱了下眉头,沉思片刻后,又重新坐了下来。“那将宿命的气息完全的隐藏起来,让我之前无法察觉,若是人为的话,那么此人的修为绝非等闲之辈。南晨……”帝天目光闪动,冷笑起来。此刻的唐山婚外情调查 苏铭,正在天空上疾驰,他神色平静,但那悲伤是隐藏不住的魂息,缭绕在他的身体上,使得外人不要接近,否则会迷失在他的世界里,被他的悲伤染了红尘。“大劫……在这阴死之虚的蛮族大地,只对我一个人而言,能称之为温州婚外情调查 大劫的,唯有……帝天!”苏铭双目瞳孔收缩,但却有杀机显露。“算算时间,也该是帝天分身降临之时了,此大劫极有可能,就是来自帝天。”苏铭目中杀机闪动,一股盎然的战意在他的内心滋生,帝天对他来说是大劫,但同淄博婚外情调查 样,苏铭对于帝天,也有着必杀的信念!若帝天不死,则他苏铭难以掌控自身,这样的一个大敌,是让他鞭策自己的动力,唯有杀了帝天分身,他才可以在这蛮族大地,掌控自己的命运。“帝天本尊或许极为强大,但其这么多年泉州婚外情调查 来,只是分身降临,或许这一切是因其本尊,无法……亲自降临!不过这还只是猜测,如果这一次我面对的也是其分身,那么就表示我的猜测极有可能是真!如果真的是分身,我未尝没有一战之力!”苏铭低头看了一眼自己的右包头婚外情调查 手食指,在那手指上,此刻还有很少的一圈一代蛮神的发丝!“我当年能杀了帝天第一具分身,今日……也能杀了第二具!”“当年的我看不透帝天到底有多强,看不出红罗的修为,只是知晓他们已经超越了蛮族的蛮魂境界。但邯郸婚外情调查
--  作者:王建中
--  发布时间:2014/10/21 15:39:43
容更为可爱,似在梦里,正在与苏铭玩耍,这就是她的心里,除了与父母之外,最快乐的事情了。看着小丑儿,苏铭轻轻的在她身上拍了拍,渐渐在小丑儿睡熟了后,他才走出了房间,看着外面的雨越加的大了,天空有闪电时而西安国外学历认证 划过时,雷霆闷闷传来,小丑儿的父亲,正蹲坐在屋檐下,身边放着不少大小不一样,甚至颜色也不同的草叶,正在沾着雨水,在那里编制着。小丑儿的母亲,正在收拾着饭碗,见苏铭出来后,慈爱的笑了笑。“你妹妹睡了?”成都国外学历认证 苏铭点了点头,帮助收拾起了饭碗。“你这孩子,不用了,你也去睡会吧,看着天色,怕是雨要下一夜。”“没事,娘,我不累。”苏铭笑着摇头。这妇人看着苏铭,内心轻叹一声,一年前女儿将这少年背回来时,她就在想,这重庆国外学历认证 么漂亮的孩子,到底是哪一家的父母,舍得将其丢弃。这一年来,苏铭的勤快,他看向他们时那目中的依偎之意,让这妇人已经把他看成了自己的孩子。直至外面的雨更大了一些,几乎连成了一大片时,小丑儿似被雷霆惊醒,那杭州国外学历认证 妇人连忙过去哄了几句,拍着小丑儿,慢慢的又睡下了。苏铭默默的走到那中年男子的身边,坐了下来,看着外面的雨水,感受着雨气的寒扑面,许久之后,他转过头看着自己这一年来的父亲,其专注的神情似不知道自己的到来青岛国外学历认证 ,其手中的草绳,如具备了生命一般,在他的手中不断的编制下,成为了玩偶的雏形。不同颜色的草,被这中年男子时而放入其内,使得这玩偶看起来栩栩如生,只是那青草很多都是边缘锋利的,平时倒也没什么,但这中年男子大连国外学历认证 的专注与动作,会让他忽略掉被青草划破手掌的伤痛。那满是伤痕的双手,显然就是他这一辈子制作的玩偶,留下了的痕迹。苏铭看着,这一刻的小丑儿的父亲,整个人具备了一股让苏铭看不懂的气息,他依旧还是凡人,但被他宁波国外学历认证 制作出的玩偶,仿佛被他赋予了生命。这样的注视,苏铭并非一朝一夕,那是一年……从他苏醒后,从他成为了这家庭中的一员时,他就喜欢上了去看,小丑儿父亲的编制。那每一个完成的玩偶上,似乎生命的痕迹,让他沉浸在苏州国外学历认证