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凤凰张家界自助游之精华攻略  发帖心情 Post By:2008/6/26 11:04:16 [只看该作者]









第二天早上8点出门,坐环保车到一个不知名的地方下车, 游览大观台,仙人桥,天子座,神鸡啄食,一步难行等景点。 别看这段路写来轻松,走的可不轻松,我们是先从山上走600多个台阶到山腰,然后由于景点分散,左右分别走了半小时游览各景点,再爬600多个台阶山上。12点半回到山上以后,我们坐环保车到杨家界下车用餐,真是饿得要晕过去了!下午游乌龙寨、三道鬼门关和土匪窝(现在的土匪窝已经成了小卖部),爬上了惊险的天波府(铁梯几乎是呈90度的架在岩峰上,爬上去的时候我真的很害怕!),真是有“风景这边独好”的感觉!听说当年那个匪首在那下面的山洞里匿藏了12年之久,厉害!从乌龙寨出来,我们又过了“七上八下”(当地人语,就是要去参观那个景点需要翻越7座山峰的意思),终于到了“一步登天”,是和“天波府”类似的景点,也是要爬非常陡峭的铁梯,但是上面又自有一番不同的风景。而那天最后的一个景点“空中走廊”也非常的值得一看。6点左右,我们终于回到了住宿地(和前一天是同一个旅馆),大家都觉得今天很累!但是这天所见也是我们心中张家界的精华,真如在仙境一般,而且由于旅行团不去,人也非常的少,想想所有的辛苦也都是值得的!




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等级:新手上路 帖子:5 积分:31 威望:1 精华:0 注册:2009/12/2 10:55:18
  发帖心情 Post By:2009/12/2 11:00:47 [只看该作者]

I have two adopt sisters

An only child, a perfectly ordinary little girl in rural Wisconsin, I wanted sisters more than anything. When I turned seven, my parents made a decision that delighted me beyond measure: they chose to adopt. (Wow gold)

It was Christmastime when my two new sisters, aged 6 and 3, arrived from Colombia. They came with a great flourish of celebration, as friends and relatives visited us bearing gifts to welcome them. That evening our guests went home and we were left to ourselves. My sisters and I went to the bedroom we were to share; as we crawledsintosour beds, our parents came to each of us, tucking us in and saying goodnight.“Te amo,”they whispered to my new sisters in Spanish,“I love you.”     

From the beginning these newcomers were like my own flesh and blood; we played and bickered and learned just as if we had always been sisters. From the beginning we all were my parents' daughters equally, as they supervised and scolded and encouraged us. world of warcraft gold

 Life seemed great. Beneath the surface, however, my parents were struggling with their own marital problems. As we girls were approaching our teen years, my parents uttered the fateful words,“We're getting a divorce.”

  My sisters had been hurt before. They had been dealt a great wound when their birth mother abandoned them, and none of us understood the depth of their inner turmoil. It was a pain that now resurfaced, as the emotions from that abandonment years earlier overwhelmed them. 

    We all struggled during this time. My father remarried and strove to provide some sort of stability for us through this new family: another mother, brother and sister. But the bonds between my parents and sisters continued to disintegrate. By the time I left for college, my family was in profound disarray.  cd keys

  During my college years, my outlook on life evolved in significant ways. This personal transformation led my parents and sisters to reevaluate their own lives and make changes that ultimately brought us together as a family. My mother and father have again become great sources of encouragement for us three sisters. They have succeeded in providing our lives with a foundation of stable love. One of my sisters has recently married,and family gatherings are now occasions of happiness and renewal. 

 Chinese friends sometimes ask me why I am in China, working at a low salary when I could be prospering in America. It is the experiences I went through while growing up that have made me who I am today. I am on the staff of CBN, a humanitarian organization in Beijing that seeks to help people in distress. Among our many projects, we often work with orphans.  wow power leveling,

  My colleagues and I have sent a number of orphans to the US and Canada for free operations. One is a little girl named Xiao Chu who was born with a weak heart. She was abandoned as a baby. By age two she was already experiencing shortness of breath and loss of appetite. Her future looked grim. Last January we flew her to Canada for surgery, along with two other orphans with heart problems. The operations were successful, and all three children have since returned.

  We are also working in some of Beijing's orphanages and schools for the mentally handicapped. Every week we visit various schools, playing games with the children and teaching them English. Not long ago we organized a conference with orphan expert Sherrie Eldridge to define the special challenges that orphans face. The conference was of benefit to orphanage directors and adoptive parents alike.

    Our charitable organization also provides funds for cleft-lip and palate operations for the poor. One young woman in Gansu, for instance, had spent her life watching the world go by from the refuge of her room, afraid to go outside because of her cleI have two adopt sisters

An only child, a perfectly ordinary little girl in rural Wisconsin, I wanted sisters more than anything. When I turned seven, my parents made a decision that delighted me beyond measure: they chose to adopt. (Wow gold)

It was Christmastime when my two new sisters, aged 6 and 3, arrived from Colombia. They came with a great flourish of celebration, as friends and relatives visited us bearing gifts to welcome them. That evening our guests went home and we were left to ourselves. My sisters and I went to the bedroom we were to share; as we crawledsintosour beds, our parents came to each of us, tucking us in and saying goodnight.“Te amo,”they whispered to my new sisters in Spanish,“I love you.”     
