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等级:黑侠 帖子:722 积分:4836 威望:989 精华:0 注册:2007/1/7 6:31:46
埃及印度为最“色”国家  发帖心情 Post By:2007/10/19 10:25:39 [只看该作者]


“Google Trend”网站最近公布了从2004年至今的一些关键搜索数据,根据这些数据显示,德国、墨西哥和奥地利的互联网用户是全球搜索关键词“希特勒”最多的人,而智利、澳大利亚和英国的互联网用户则是搜索“纳粹”这个关键词最多的网民。同时,智利还是搜索“同性恋”这个关键词最多的国家,之后是墨西哥和哥伦比亚


“圣战” 摩洛哥,印度尼西亚,巴基斯坦

“恐怖主义” 巴基斯坦,菲律宾,澳大利亚

“宿醉” 爱尔兰,英国,美国


“伊拉克” 美国,澳大利亚,加拿大

“塔利班” 巴基斯坦,澳大利亚,加拿大

“汤姆·克鲁斯” 加拿大,美国,澳大利亚

“小甜甜布兰妮” 墨西哥,委内瑞拉,加拿大

“同性恋” 菲律宾,智利,委内瑞拉

“爱” 菲律宾,澳大利亚,美国

“肉毒杆菌毒素” 澳大利亚,美国,英国

“伟哥” 意大利,美国,英国,德国

“贝克汉姆” 委内瑞拉,美国,英国,墨西哥

“凯特·莫斯” 爱尔兰,英国,瑞典

“小车克星” 捷克共和国,奥地利,斯洛伐克

“汽车炸弹” 澳大利亚,美国,加拿大

“大麻” 加拿大,美国,澳大利亚

“国际原子能机构” 奥地利,巴基斯坦,伊朗

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等级:新手上路 帖子:99 积分:555 威望:0 精华:0 注册:2013/11/30 12:25:51
article196  发帖心情 Post By:2013/11/30 13:38:20 [只看该作者]

How to Create Cool Teens Halloween Costumes - Family and Home Articles

Your little tikes aren't so little anymore, so the real Gucci Belts gore and mischief can begin now. Whether your teen loves Hannah Montana or wants to be a flesh-eating zombie, here are some cool Halloween costumes you and your teen can create.

Cool Halloween Costumes for Teens: Hannah Montana

Miley Cyrus is about as big as Britney Gucci Beltsright now, and so is her character Hannah Montana. There's no doubt teens want to emulate this cool singing sensation, so here's how to assemble Hannah Montana teen Halloween costumes.


Blond wig White tank top Gold Gucci BeltsShort black skirt Knee-high black boots Black fishnet stockings

How to assemble: It's very straightforward. Put on the wig and clothes, and you're set. If you really want to emulate Hannah Montana, put on sheer lip gloss and glittery eyes hadow. These are cool, parent-approved Halloween costumes for all teens wishing to emulate Miss Cyrus.

Cool Halloween Costumes for Teens: Jack Sparrow

With three movies and legions of teens following this Hollywood icon, actor Johnny Depp portrayed the spirited Jack Sparrow in Pirates of the Caribbean. Now thousands of teens wish to emulate this pirate for Halloween. Here's how to assemble Jack Sparrow teen Halloween costumes.


Black wig Headband Pirate jacket Loose fitted white shirt Buccaneer pants Fake mustache and goatee Boots Eyeliner

How to assemble: Before you begin assembling the costume, put on your eyeliner. Sparrow's eyeliner is only on his bottom eyelids. It's very thick and black, so work it in.

Note: Black eyeliner goes on Gucci Belts if you wet it. Alternatively, you can take black eye shadow, wet the brush, and fill it under your eyelids.

After that's done, you want to prepare the wig. Sparrow's wig is messy with random braids. Mess up the wig, add stray braids, and put in on your head. Place the headband on your head.

Next comes the important part of this cool teen Halloween costume: assembling the clothes. Put on the loose-fitted shirt, making sure it puffs out. Slip on the Buccaneer pants and boots. Next, put on the pirate jacket, buttoning it up slightly. Your teen Halloween costume is finished, ready for pirating the seven seas.

Cool Halloween Costumes for Teens: Flesh-eating Zombie

For more macabre teens, a zombie Gucci Beltsshould thrill them. Zombies have haunted their way into mainstream America, and many teens love these Halloween costumes. Here's one way to assemble zombie teen Halloween costumes:


Zombie mask lRagged clothes Fake blood

How to assemble: If you can't find ragged clothes, take regular clothes and scrub it against a cheese grater. Put those clothes on, tie your hair back (if it's long enough) and put the zombie mask on. For a really cool effect, take fake blood and pour it over your mask. It'll freak some people out, but wasn't that the intention anyway?

These certainly aren't the only teen Halloween costumes your adolescent can wear, so come up with your own cool costumes! There are a wide array of cool teen Halloween costumes online, and even the pickiest teenager can find a costume worthy of their cool. If your teens aren't inspired by this list, look to their interests and ask who they want to emulate this year  and you can certainly find the teen Halloween costume online. Stay safe and Happy Halloween
