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北京王府井惊见美女竟然当街弹琴····被警察带走!  发帖心情 Post By:2007/11/1 9:00:58 [只看该作者]


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等级:新手上路 帖子:15 积分:141 威望:0 精华:0 注册:2013/12/1 21:25:32
article60  发帖心情 Post By:2013/12/2 13:45:50 [只看该作者]

Nothing Is Impossible If You Make Your Mind up

When confronting with difficulties, we must believe in ourselves mbt schuhe and say to us we can make it. From so many triumphant shoe companies, timberland is the most excellent example for you to obtain the key to the success. Learn from timberland and be brave to be in face with all troubles and I am sure you will be successful at last.
At this moment I will tell you a small mbt schuhe story hoping you are able to learn something from it. A priest has five very close associates. One day, he calls his associates to come to a place far away from his home. They come to an agreement. They all go into a room which is dark but they are able to see a small woden bridge in it. The priest lets his five acquaintances walk through the bridge one by one, then all of them walk instantly through the bridge. When they complete the priest turn on the lights and all of his acquaintances are shocked since there are quite a few sharks beneath the bridge. Here comes the second requirement, the priest asks all of them to walk through the bridge, nonetheless, as you can imagine, only two of them do it but both are fearful and one of them even crawls though it. A mysterious expression appears on the priest's face and he turns all lights on. In the bright room, each person finds that there has a wire netting below the bridge. Then one of the three gets up the courage and walk through the bridge. Nonetheless, the left two friends are still standing on the primary position. They do not intend to take a risk. The priest is curious and he asks them the reason why they don't try it. The reply goes like this: they dare not to walk through the bridge since they are not have a faith in the wire netting, perhaps it is fragile.
From this piece of story, mbt schuhe can you learn something? We must not be scared by the troubles that we imagine. Once we put ourselves into the job we do we will discover that they are in fact not difficult at all, but if we are fearful about what we are going to face we will feel anxious and in the end we possibly will fail. What we should do is tell ourselves that we can make it for the reason that we are the best then deal with the difficulites in accordance with the usual procedure then we will be triumphant at last. The fact is also suitable for the companies. In our time there are lots of companies in the marketplace all over the world, thus it is difficult to make oneself grow to be the most outstanding one and obtain one's breathtaking reputation. It's dogged that does it. ***www.mbtschuhede.info/
Among so many trademarks, we can always think of mbt schuhe some that we are familiar with since they are already well-known around the world for quite a long time. Today I will take timberland as an example. Together with many years' improvement, timberland boots have grew to be one of the most unbeaten merchandise in the world's market, specially in the usa. The high-heeled shoes are not fitting for the outdoor travel in the weekeen. And we long for a pair of shoes that is not only eye-catching but also can protect our feet well. Timberland shoes can really make you relax youself and allow you to enjoy superb scenenry and sunshine. The success of timberland corporation tells us that we must believe in ourselves and we must try our best to deal with the troubles. Present your confidence and I am sure that all troubles are nothing for you even they are something like sharks. Learn from timberland and be brave to deal with all troubles and I am sure you will succeed at last.
