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----  转//实在是太腐败了!——文县记录  (http://www.0933.biz/bbs/dispbbs.asp?boardid=15&id=3799)

--  作者:我泽如春
--  发布时间:2008/7/8 16:42:18
--  转//实在是太腐败了!——文县记录
深夜梦中接到王宏伟的电话,他在电话中的愤怒,是多年来我从来没有遇到的。他所描述的事情,让我觉得完全不可信:这次地震灾害,党中央国务院重拳出击,新闻媒体非常透明,审计署等机构严密监视,无处不在的互联网上事无巨细的监督,要出现如此腐败的情况长达两个月不被察觉,是不可能的。但是凭王宏伟的品格,我觉得他不会撒谎,也没必要大半夜的突然对着我这个无聊的男人撒谎玩。以下内容根据王宏伟在电话中口述内容整理。我原本希望等他回到北京之后再发表这篇文章,但他要求无论如何连夜发表,祝愿他平安归来。相关的照片他将带回北京后上传。如果有朋友认为这篇文章伤害了他的感情,建议邀请审计署、监察部去当地证明其清白。 我们到甘肃慰问演出,集中了全军各军兵种非常优秀的艺术工作者,由中宣部指派,代表党中央国务院中央军委慰问灾区群众和子弟兵。然而和到四川慰问的情况非常不同,甘肃省委宣传部很不情愿我们去灾区,拒绝支持我们的工作,7月6日赴陇南文县慰问,当地宣传部也拒绝接待和提供演出场所,我们求爷爷告奶奶,才终于给我们提供了演出场地。这种气氛让我们非常迷惑。 在文县城关镇(音)演出,文县只来了一个副县长,山上山下却挤满了将近五万名观众。演出过程中,不停的有乡亲们问,中央台的记者来没有?我们要向胡主席温总理告状! 这让我非常意外。演出结束之后,我来到高崖村(音),跟乡亲们聊了将近一个小时,让我非常震惊。这个村子一共80多户,房子基本上都被地震摧毁了。可是从512到7月5日,他们根本没有见到一瓶矿泉水,一包方便面!更没有看到县委县政府的人来。将近两个月,所有的村民都只能靠自己和赶来救灾的子弟兵们挺过了难关。 我回到军营,问团领导这是怎么回事,回答:“我们在这里呆着太可笑了,走也不是,不走也不是。”党中央国务院全国人民给文县支援了大量物资,到现在还被县政府扣押,而给他们提供的大量的燃油,都被县政府给晚上偷偷运走卖了。战士们冲进灾区,县委县政府根本不管,连面都不愿意见。战士们把自己携带的军用帐篷给了灾民,自己只能睡在地上或者车上,直到兰州军区首长来视察,才想办法找了100顶帐篷给战士们。按道理讲,军队到地方,应该是“配合”当地政府救灾,这个县政府,真牛,绝不到营地来看看,最后还是团领导们请县太爷们来团部吃了个饭,才总算见了面。地震初期,大量群众被困在深山中,县太爷们也不组织营救,不管群众死活。县委县政府对军队的到来非常抵触,但是调动军队干活,绝对又是非常积极。这个当年在战场上所向披靡,让敌人闻风丧胆的红军铁锤子团,在文县成为了县委县政府免费的民工团,一会儿叫过去修路,一会儿叫过去搬砖,一支英雄部队扛着锄头铲子四处狂奔,虽然无怨无悔,也很无奈。精明的政府卖给军队的补给品,也大涨价,5毛钱的豆角,卖给部队要1块2。 天天都有老百姓到部队告政府的状,部队也没办法。毕竟是在人家地盘上,救完灾总是要走的。部队也只能尽自己的力量帮助老百姓。老百姓对部队的爱,简直就是在心疼自己的宝贝儿子。灾民们在电视上看到温总理“每天一斤米,10块钱”的庄严承诺,但是他们却什么都没有得到。尽管他们失去了几乎一切,他们也把能找出来的吃的给战士们,因为部队是他们唯一的寄托和希望。 有村民告诉我,地方政府以每亩7万2的价格,强行征用了最好的一片耕地,搞房地产,村民如果不签字,就要被抓。善良的村民们绝不会和政府作对,乖乖的签了字。签完字,政府便换了村长,这样据说可以让县太爷不用担责任。 我大概知道为什么有些地方不欢迎我们去演出了。 此文摘自王宏伟本人博客(http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_4a2ffab10100a6nw.html#contentIframeLink),多看看下面的评论吧。 王宏伟,总政歌舞团国家一级演员,著名男高音歌唱家,代表作有《西部放歌》等
--  作者:丽丽078
--  发布时间:2013/11/30 16:34:02
--  article197
Cool Halloween Costume Ideas For Work Parties by Todd James E. Wertz at iSnare.com Free Articles If you\'re one of those who look forward to Halloween, michael kors stores you\'re probably thinking about cool costume ideas that will definitely make heads turn. Surely, there are many options to choose from and if you tap into your creative and artistic side, you\'ll certainly come up with an awesome Halloween costume that is sure to make your friends and colleagues green with envy. And as you have such immense ideas in mind, you might think it is daunting task to finally come up with something; so how do you select the coolest costume idea? Well, start with deciding on which characters you like or perhaps think about your fave movie events; and before you know it, you\'ll be able to think of a distinctive costume that will make you stand out in the Halloween party. An essential part of creating a costume is to make sure that it is as realistic as it could get. This simply means that you have to pay attention to details such as the accessories. For instance, if you want to get that austere look, then why not dress up as a cowboy? And this calls for spurs and hat for a more authentic feel. If you think you\'ll look great as michael kors stores a fortune teller, you can create your own Gypsy costume. The flounced skirts, laced vests and brightly colored sash and bandanna will make you look perfectly like a nomadic Gypsy. The pirate costume is yet another popular choice for a Halloween party. It won\'t take so much time to assemble a white pirate shirt, black breeches, boots and vest and you\'ll look totally amazing. Of course, you may go for the Victorian look or the Transylvania theme which is sure to catch attention in a crowd. Indeed, nothing compares to that vampiric aura that is so trendy these days. You can either choose between the classic or the modern vampire look; as both will undoubtedly enthrall a lot of people. Another idea is to dress up as a witch. They might seem a little too common, but with a little twist and some changes in the accessories\' you\'ll surely pull it off. But if you\'d rather go with a modern costume, then try the latest fads in the mainstream media. The characters of a top grossing movie for the year can be a great choice if you want to have a trendy Halloween costume. You can even imitate the characters which are portrayed by your fave celebrity. You can also go into music and be a pop icon. Clearly, the possibilities are endless so think of what michael kors stores costume idea you\'re most comfortable with or perhaps try something that you haven\'t done before. That will be so much fun. With proper planning, you can be the life of the party as you show up with your distinctive Halloween costume. Besides, Halloween work parties are excellent instances to enjoy with your friends and colleagues and a great way to showcase your artistic flair. Have fun looking for the coolest Halloween costume ideas!
--  作者:丽丽078
--  发布时间:2013/11/30 18:06:54
--  article199
Five Basics You Need to Get Rihanna\'s Style - Yahoo Voices - voices.yahoo.com A few years ago Rihanna decided to trade in her ho hum R&B / pop princess longchamp laukut for something cooler. Now her style is edgier - a mixture of avant garde rock and roller meets dominatrix tomboy. Here\'s the 5 key pieces you need to get her style: 1. Leather Jackets A main component of Rihanna\'s style is the leather jacket because it instantly makes even her simplest outfits look cool, and it also gives her feminine pieces a tough edge. Rihanna wears a ton of different leather jackets in various styles, but even her most basic jackets are never simple - they always have interesting details. For instance, she often wears black leather jackets, but she\'s worn a bomber style with sleeves that unzip, another jacket was cropped and had a ruffled collar, and she\'s also donned a men\'s style bolero. She also has worn several quilted black leathers. One version was collarless and cropped; another style was hip length and had pronounced slanted shoulders and a fur trim. And another quilted jacket was a fitted blazer that she wore as a dress. Rihanna\'s also worn biker jackets in fun longchamp laukut . One had a black and white graphic pattern, another had a denim blue body with black sleeves and zipper details. She\'s also worn a bright yellow patent leather blazer with gray lapels and black trims. So to get Rihanna\'s style go for styles that are hip length or higher, and look for cool ones like basic biker styles or those with interesting details like exaggerated shoulders, graphic patterns, bold colors or zippers. But also don\'t pass up on the daintier jackets that have quilting, ruffles, and no collars because the rest of Rhianna\'s wardrobe will make it cool. 2. Cool Boots Another huge staple in Rihanna\'s wardrobe is her collection of boots. Her mainstays are booties and ankle boots which give her outfits a bad-ass vibe. Rihanna wears them with any and everything from shorts, to leggings and jeans, to sexy mini dresses and skirts, and even laidback floral print summer dresses. Buy a black leather bootie with cool details like perforations, fringe, longchamp laukut hardware, peep-toes or other cut-outs. Or get dominatrix style ankle boots that lace up. For a softer look go for sheer ankle boots with bows like the black ones by Chanel that she wore. Or lighten up and get a pair of suede nude colored booties with fringe or an ankle boot with a fun leopard print. When she\'s not rocking an ankle boot Rihanna prefers thigh highs that fall over the knee or right below it. She usually sticks to fitted ones in soft black or gray leather or slouchy styles in tan colored suede and black leather. She wears them with mini skirts and dresses, shorts, or leggings. Her taller boots are usually more classic in style like a simple thigh high with a heel, or a flat riding boot. But she occasionally wears styles with fringe, gladiator details, tassels, perforated leather, or bondage style ones with thick laces. 3. Skinny Jeans Another key to Rihanna\'s style is the skinny jean. She typically wears low rise versions in a standard dark blue rinse or black denim. But this is Rihanna we\'re talking about so she also goes for edgier styles, like black leather jeans, acid wash high rise jeans, and ripped jeans in white or pale blue. Wear them with heels or booties. 4. Leggings Another basic in Rihanna\'s style is her leggings. She doesn\'t wear longchamp laukut capri length she only wears those that hit at the ankle. Her mainstays are plain black leggings made from either sheer or shiny spandex, or leather. But she\'s also worn black ones with lace stripes running down the sides, ones with a gray lattice print, and spacey silver leggings. On her casual days she\'ll throw a pair on with a leather jacket, long t-shirt and a pair of bright Nikes or she\'ll wear them with a long sweater and tall boots. For a sexier look she\'ll wear her leggings with a long blazer and heels, or with a corset underneath a man\'s oxford. 5. Tanks While Rihanna\'s jackets and boots usually have fun details, for the most part she keeps her tops really simple and relaxed. She usually goes for a simple cotton tank (hip length or cropped versions) that she usually wears with a pair of jeans or leggings and a leather jacket. She tends to wear plain ones in gray, black, or white. Occasionally though, she\'ll wear tanks with black and white stripes, or a white tank with a black graphic print or vice versa.