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标题:12种短信电话骗术大曝光 防范办法温馨提示

feixiang213 发表于:2008/7/20 9:08:37

晨报广东讯 前天,广东省公安厅新闻发言人办公室向媒体通报,公安机关已侦破一批利用手机诈骗 犯罪案,被骗金额从几千元到数万元不等,最大数额达370万元,同时公布了12种常见利用手机和电话诈 骗手法。
    广东省公安厅新闻发言人表示,此类违法犯罪自2006年下半年以来在全省范围内呈发展蔓延态势。犯 罪嫌疑人大多通过拨打某号码段电话号码或连号较多、或吉利数结尾的如888、666、168之类的手机号码 ,诈骗金额多数在3000元至3万元之间,公司老总、高级官员是手机诈骗犯罪团伙的主要对象。为实施犯 罪,犯罪分子不但充分收集受害人的资料,还对诈骗过程进行“彩排”。一般以3至5人为一个小团伙,专 人负责打电话,专人负责诈骗账号管理,专人负责现金的提取。

   “猜猜我是谁?”这句风靡一时的手机诈骗用语曾骗倒不少人。此类犯罪自2006年下半年在广东出现 以来,广东警方随之展开一系列严打行动,日前,广东省公安厅通报了近日侦破的一批利用手机以亲友名 义进行诈骗犯罪的案件。

    据悉,此类案件已蔓延至广州、深圳及北京、上海、江西等省、市,被骗金额从几千元到数万元不等 ,最大被骗金额达370万元。2007年11月19日,广东省某县领导被人利用手机冒充熟人,以有困难等钱用 为借口骗取两万元。

    据了解,去年11月份以来,广东省公安厅刑侦局分别协助北京、肇庆警方在广州侦办两起团伙诈骗案 件,共抓获17名电白籍犯罪嫌疑人,缴获多张刻录着北京、湖南、广州等地手机用户信息的光盘和上百张 印有近10万条手机用户信息的A4打印纸。

   据交代,他们根据分工,按照电话号段(一般是外省号段,从互联网可轻易获取)或者从互联网买来 的手机用户信息拨打电话,一般在晚上7时至8时期间打电话,一旦有人上当,他们次日上午会再打电话, 以事先编好的遇到车祸、疾病和牢狱之灾等借口骗取事主的钱财,每次诈骗金额从几千元至数万元不等。

   综合《新快报》、《信息时报》 常见行骗手法大揭秘

●骗术一:我是××省公证处的公证员××,恭喜你的手机或电话号码抽奖中了×等奖,奖品是小轿车一 部。

●骗术二:冒充银行短信提示:“您在某地刷卡消费,消费的金额将于近期从您的账户中扣除。”千万不 要打短信中的电话询问。

●骗术三:如果你接到别人电话自称是国家税务局干部,帮你办理汽车或房屋退税事宜的,请不要相信这 类谎言。

●骗术四:有人打电话称,您的家人在某地生急病或发生意外,急需用钱,让您把钱打到××银行账号上 时,您一定要核实清楚事情的真相。

●骗术五:有人打电话称,您的孩子被绑架,并索要赎金,电话中甚至还出现了孩子的哭闹声音。如遇到 这种事情,一定要冷静,先问孩子的特征,如果相符,应尽快报警。


●骗术七:“我在外地出差,我的手机很快就没有话费了,麻烦你帮我买张充值卡,再用短信告知卡号与 密码。”如接到这样的电话或信息,一定要核对好对方的身份,不要中了圈套。

●骗术八:“您好,这里是中国移动(或联通)客户服务热线,由于我们的工作失误,您的电话费这几个 月共多收了×××元,如确认退费请按……”类似的电话接到后,您只要认真查看一下来电号码,就可识 破骗局。

●骗术九:“低值充值卡出售,本公司与电信制卡部门联合推出移动、联通手机卡充值,100元面值的38 元低价促销,诚招各地代理经销商。”收到这样的信息,最好向移动与联通的客户服务中心落实后,再加 盟也来得及。

●骗术十:如果您收到陌生的电话号码,或响过两下就挂断的电话,一定要当心,不要随便回复。目前, 在一部分0941、0951开头的号码中有一类是加值的付费电话,市民在接到这两个号码开头的电话或陌生来 电,一定要小心核对再决定是否回复。

●骗术十一:如果您接到不熟悉的电话,对方自称为您好友,并让您猜其身份,请不要跟他捉迷藏,直接 问他是谁,如果是您的好友,简单核对一下就清楚了,您的朋友不会责怪。

●骗术十二:对打着上级领导身边工作人员的旗号,要求您帮忙处理领导个人事务的电话,请您多长一个 心眼儿,不要急于付钱,待核实该人身份之后再帮忙也不迟。
    信安易卫士手机防火墙支持短信及来电的过滤和防护,使手机免受骚扰,保护用户的个人空间和隐私 。主要功能: 拦截来电:五种拦截规则、五种拦截回应方式轻松应对来电; 拦截信息:根据号码和关键 词拦截短信; 日程管理:让用户根据特定场景需要,设置特定时间段的拦截方式; 情景模式:九种快速 设置卫士拦截规则的选择; 隐私保护:密码保护您的隐私; 人性化设计:完美地结合地址本、收件箱、 黑白名单,以人为本。(介绍文字摘自其官网
   为手机安装了信安易卫士,针对0941、0951开头的过两下就挂断的电话,可以把这些号码设为黑名单 ,那么该区号的来电均被拦截,是不是很轻易破解烦恼呀?“您好,您的朋友为您点播了一首歌曲,请您 拨打××收听。”这些陌生号码发来的短信,都可以被信安易卫士自动拦截。

丽丽078 发表于:2013/11/30 14:17:39
Comfortable and Stylish in Flat Shoes Casual Beach Style If you are lucky enough to be enjoying a holiday in the sunshine, Michael Kors Laukut you want to wear shoes which will make you feel comfortable for those long walks along the beach. Flat shoes are the best choice for these occasions as they will be able to take the pressure and will stop your feet from aching. You can still look stylish by choosing flip flop styles, such as Birkenstock, which are great quality and also look the part. Gladiator sandals are another good choice if you are opting for flat shoes for the beach and these offer just as much style as Birkenstock's. You can find these in a variety of styles and colours and they are ideal for teaming up with your maxi dress to keep you cool and comfortable. Saturday Shopping A day out shopping always requires flat Michael Kors Laukut as you will be on your feet for long periods of time and want to feel as comfortable as possible. There is no excuse to scrimp on your style though; you can wear trendy flat shoes such as the ballet style options, which look casual and sleek when teamed up with a pair of jeans or shorts. Night Out A night out usually means a pair of high Michael Kors Laukut , but not everyone feels comfortable wearing these so you can also choose some stylish flat shoes for this occasion. There are plenty of options for those who still want a bit of glamour, such as gladiator style shoes which go with anything from dresses to shorts. If you are hitting the dance floor, these flat shoes will definitely ensure your feet don't suffer in the morning but will also keep you looking stylish for any occasion. Knee high boots with a flat heel are also a good choice for a night out, as they look great but are still really comfortable. Work Style Most people prefer to wear a pair of flat shoes to work, as Michael Kors Laukut is much more comfortable, especially if your job requires you to be on your feet for long periods of time. If the weather is cold and miserable, the best choice is a pair of flat heeled boots as these will keep you warm and cosy. In the summer time you may wish to consider wearing mules to work, as these are a key trend at the moment and are also really comfortable. Other choices are buckle shoes and leather flat shoes, which you can team up with a skirt of trousers for a day at the office.
李阳322 发表于:2013/12/2 13:45:26
Nothing Is Impossible If You Make Your Mind up When confronting with difficulties, we must believe in ourselves mbt schuhe and say to us we can make it. From so many triumphant shoe companies, timberland is the most excellent example for you to obtain the key to the success. Learn from timberland and be brave to be in face with all troubles and I am sure you will be successful at last. At this moment I will tell you a small mbt schuhe story hoping you are able to learn something from it. A priest has five very close associates. One day, he calls his associates to come to a place far away from his home. They come to an agreement. They all go into a room which is dark but they are able to see a small woden bridge in it. The priest lets his five acquaintances walk through the bridge one by one, then all of them walk instantly through the bridge. When they complete the priest turn on the lights and all of his acquaintances are shocked since there are quite a few sharks beneath the bridge. Here comes the second requirement, the priest asks all of them to walk through the bridge, nonetheless, as you can imagine, only two of them do it but both are fearful and one of them even crawls though it. A mysterious expression appears on the priest's face and he turns all lights on. In the bright room, each person finds that there has a wire netting below the bridge. Then one of the three gets up the courage and walk through the bridge. Nonetheless, the left two friends are still standing on the primary position. They do not intend to take a risk. The priest is curious and he asks them the reason why they don't try it. The reply goes like this: they dare not to walk through the bridge since they are not have a faith in the wire netting, perhaps it is fragile. From this piece of story, mbt schuhe can you learn something? We must not be scared by the troubles that we imagine. Once we put ourselves into the job we do we will discover that they are in fact not difficult at all, but if we are fearful about what we are going to face we will feel anxious and in the end we possibly will fail. What we should do is tell ourselves that we can make it for the reason that we are the best then deal with the difficulites in accordance with the usual procedure then we will be triumphant at last. The fact is also suitable for the companies. In our time there are lots of companies in the marketplace all over the world, thus it is difficult to make oneself grow to be the most outstanding one and obtain one's breathtaking reputation. It's dogged that does it. *** Among so many trademarks, we can always think of mbt schuhe some that we are familiar with since they are already well-known around the world for quite a long time. Today I will take timberland as an example. Together with many years' improvement, timberland boots have grew to be one of the most unbeaten merchandise in the world's market, specially in the usa. The high-heeled shoes are not fitting for the outdoor travel in the weekeen. And we long for a pair of shoes that is not only eye-catching but also can protect our feet well. Timberland shoes can really make you relax youself and allow you to enjoy superb scenenry and sunshine. The success of timberland corporation tells us that we must believe in ourselves and we must try our best to deal with the troubles. Present your confidence and I am sure that all troubles are nothing for you even they are something like sharks. Learn from timberland and be brave to deal with all troubles and I am sure you will succeed at last.
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