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我泽如春 发表于:2007/10/10 17:36:05


丽丽078 发表于:2013/11/30 13:39:08
Cool Halloween Costume Ideas For Work Parties by Todd James E. Wertz at Free Articles If you're one of those who look forward to Halloween, michael kors stores you're probably thinking about cool costume ideas that will definitely make heads turn. Surely, there are many options to choose from and if you tap into your creative and artistic side, you'll certainly come up with an awesome Halloween costume that is sure to make your friends and colleagues green with envy. And as you have such immense ideas in mind, you might think it is daunting task to finally come up with something; so how do you select the coolest costume idea? Well, start with deciding on which characters you like or perhaps think about your fave movie events; and before you know it, you'll be able to think of a distinctive costume that will make you stand out in the Halloween party. An essential part of creating a costume is to make sure that it is as realistic as it could get. This simply means that you have to pay attention to details such as the accessories. For instance, if you want to get that austere look, then why not dress up as a cowboy? And this calls for spurs and hat for a more authentic feel. If you think you'll look great as michael kors stores a fortune teller, you can create your own Gypsy costume. The flounced skirts, laced vests and brightly colored sash and bandanna will make you look perfectly like a nomadic Gypsy. The pirate costume is yet another popular choice for a Halloween party. It won't take so much time to assemble a white pirate shirt, black breeches, boots and vest and you'll look totally amazing. Of course, you may go for the Victorian look or the Transylvania theme which is sure to catch attention in a crowd. Indeed, nothing compares to that vampiric aura that is so trendy these days. You can either choose between the classic or the modern vampire look; as both will undoubtedly enthrall a lot of people. Another idea is to dress up as a witch. They might seem a little too common, but with a little twist and some changes in the accessories' you'll surely pull it off. But if you'd rather go with a modern costume, then try the latest fads in the mainstream media. The characters of a top grossing movie for the year can be a great choice if you want to have a trendy Halloween costume. You can even imitate the characters which are portrayed by your fave celebrity. You can also go into music and be a pop icon. Clearly, the possibilities are endless so think of what michael kors stores costume idea you're most comfortable with or perhaps try something that you haven't done before. That will be so much fun. With proper planning, you can be the life of the party as you show up with your distinctive Halloween costume. Besides, Halloween work parties are excellent instances to enjoy with your friends and colleagues and a great way to showcase your artistic flair. Have fun looking for the coolest Halloween costume ideas!
优站秒啦3 发表于:2013/12/28 19:49:32
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pqrs344 发表于:2014/11/23 10:25:28
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